Dr Vincent Tan

Dr Vincent Tan is a skilled and experienced anaesthetist committed to excellence in patient care. He is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FANZCA) and actively participates in their Continuing Professional Development program to ensure he is offering his patients the highest standards of care guided by the latest evidence and guidelines. He is also a member of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) and Victorian Anaesthetic Group (VAG), a group of highly skilled anaesthetists providing quality anaesthesia services to over 100 surgeons and other specialist medical providers in Melbourne.
Vincent graduated from the University of Melbourne Medical school in 2001 and completed his specialist training in anaesthesia at the Austin, Alfred and Monash Hospitals. He currently works as a specialist anaesthetist at Austin and Monash Health, as well as in private practice predominantly at Epworth, Cabrini and St Vincent’s Private Hospitals. His practice covers a broad range of surgical specialties including orthopaedic and trauma surgery.
Vincent is a caring and professional anaesthetist who will ensure you will receive the best care possible. He will address any concerns you may have prior to your surgery and tailor the anaesthetic to your individual needs, ensuring your experience is safe and pleasant. For further information on anaesthesia, please visit www.vag.com.au, or you may contact my rooms on (03) 9509 3322.