Dr Anne-Marie Pellizzer

Dr Anne-Marie Pellizzer is qualified as a consultant physician and holds specialist qualifications in both intensive care medicine and clinical pharmacology as well as a PhD in cardiovascular medicine.
She has over 25 years of experience in peri-operative medicine, working with surgeons of most major specialties including orthopaedics, neurosurgery, urology, gynaecology and colorectal surgery. Most of this time has been spent in the St Vincent’s and Epworth groups of private hospitals.
As a peri-operative physician, Anne-Marie is responsible for every aspect of care that is not directly related to the operation itself. This includes managing any pre-existing medical conditions which need special attention around the time of surgery, as well as dealing with fluids and pain relief on return to the ward. She also addresses any unexpected eventualities which may occur during the hospital stay and arranges referrals and appropriate follow-up.
She conducts daily reviews and she is on-call 24 hours a day. Mr Vo remains the primary consultant and will deal with all aspects of the orthopaedic surgery.